Royal Spades
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Re: Royal Spades
I would have called too... over 30,000 to 1 odds to hit the royal and daurk slammed it. But to be fair, he had the odds to call just for the flush. hella hand.
Rev.Buzkil- Posts : 40
Join date : 2021-11-02
What are the odds...
With one out (K of spades) for the royal that's right (2.1%) for the turn card. With 2 cards to come I get about 4.3%.
As for his winning the hand: any K (3) or any spade (9). With 12 outs he has about 45% to win with 2 cards to come and could be runner runner JJ or runner runner 98. Of course none of that ever happens in DD.
I wrote this in notepad before bed while sotted and posted it this morning while toasted so take it all with the obligatory grain of salt.
Rev.Buzkil- Posts : 40
Join date : 2021-11-02
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